En aquest bloc es mostra el treball realitzat durant l'estada a Anglaterra.

30 d’ag. 2010

29/08. Dover Cliffs and Sherwood Forest

Yesterday, 28th August we drove from Figueres to Calais. During the night we saw a film of Robin Hood. Today at 7 o'clock we caught the ferry to go to Dover. There we saw the White Cliffs of Dover. At 8 o'clock (local time) we arrived in Dover, where we caught the bus to go to Sherwood visitor center. In the forest we had lunch and then we visited Sherwood, the place where Robin Hood lived with the Merry men. There we have seen the Major Oak tree that is so big, and it's 1150 years old. There were some handycraft stalls. At 3.30h we continued our journey to meet our families in York at 5 o'clock.

English Channel

Ahir, 28 d'agost vam anar cap a Calais. Durant la nit vam veure una pel·lícula sobre Robin Hood. Avui a les 7 hem agafat el ferry cap a Dover. Hem vist els penya-segats blancs . A les 8 (hora local) hem arribat a Anglaterra on hem agafat el bus per a anar a Sherwood, on va viure en Robin Hood amb els Merry men. Allà hem vist el Major Oak Tree (el gran roure) que és enorme i que té 1150 anys. Hi havia parades d'artesania. A les 3.30h hem continuat el viatge per trobar-nos amb les nostres famílies d'Anglaterra.

Escrit Sobre Sherwood Forest i Robin Hood (1)