En aquest bloc es mostra el treball realitzat durant l'estada a Anglaterra.

6 de set. 2010

04/09 Whitby

James Cook

Whitby is a city of Yorkshire at the north east of England. It's famous for many things, for instance there was Dracula's novel written by Bram Stoker. There is also an abbey destroyed by Henry VIII, and a cemetery full of pirates' graves.
Whitby is also famous for its natural harbour, and the very good fish.
James Cook, who was a captain who discovered Australia, started his journey from Whitby, and was killed at the end by natives of Hawaii.
In the afternoon, we caught Harry Potter's train to return home.
All the day was sunny and a bit windy.

Untitled from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

Whitby és una ciutat de Yorkshire, al nord-est d'Anglaterra. És famosa per un munt de coses, per exemple: allà es va escriure la novel·la
Dràcula, escrita per Bram Stoker. Hi ha també una abadia des
truïda per Henry VIII. També hi ha un cementiri ple de tombes de pirates.
Whitby també és famosa pel seu port natural i el seu peix és molt bo.
James Cook va ser un capità que va descobrir Austràlia i va ser assassinat per nadius de Hawaii.
A la tarda, vam anar amb el tren de Harry Potter per tornar a casa.
Durant tot el dia va fer sol i una mica de vent.