En aquest bloc es mostra el treball realitzat durant l'estada a Anglaterra.

6 de set. 2010

05/09 Lake District

Today we have gone all day long to the Lake District.
During the trip we have seen a very beautiful landscape. There are a lot of animals : black sheep, cows, goats...
In this place there are the tallest mountains in England.
For lunch we have stopped at Windermere, at Oakthorpe's restaurant.
We have eaten hot chicken soup, chicken with sauce and chips, and finally a chocolate cake.
And then, we could choose between tea with milk and coffee. After we have visited William Wordsworth's house, the Dove's Cottage.
The weather has been sunny and a bit windy.

Avui hem anat tot el dia al Lake District. Durant el viatge hem vist paisatges molt bonics. Hi ha molts tipus d'animals : ovelles, vaques, cabres... En aquesta regió hi ha les muntanyes més altes d'Anglaterra. Per dinar ens hem aturat a Windermere, al restaurant Oak Thorpe. Hem menjat sopa de pollastre, pollastre amb salsa i patates fregides, i finalment un pastís de xocolata. Llavors vam poder escollir entre te amb llet i cafè. Després hem visitat la casa de William Wordsworth, la Dove's Cottage. Ha estat un dia assolellat i un xic ventòs.

Beatrix Potter was a famous author and illustrator. She was born on the 28th of July1866 and she died on the 22nd December 1943. She was in love with her editor, and she wanted to marry him, but her parents never accepted it.
She wrote short stories for children. She wrote twenty-three books. The first and most important was “The tale of Peter Rabbit”
She bought many farms in the Lake District to preserve the nature and the landscape. Now the Lake District is protected by the National Trust, that was founded at the time of Beatrix Potter.

The Brönte Sisters (1)

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Coal Mine