Today the weather was quite good : in the morning it was sunny and in the afternoon it started to rain a little. It wasn't raining cats and dogs. At eight o'clock we had to be in the car park, we said goodbye to our host families, it was upseting for us.
We went three hours on the bus, until we got London. The first thing we say was Hyde Park, and we walked around it. There, we saw Albert's stature, also a big lake (Serpentine) and lots of Swans and squirrels.
Then we had lunch there and we went to the BBC Television Center. There we were split in 2 groups. We could see a TV live programme with Alesha Dixon, who was dancing. Finally, we made a TV news and a quiz workshop.
In the evening we wnt to the hotel to do the check-in and we went to a restaurant. Afterwards, we had a stroll in Soho and Chinatown.
It was a good day.
Avui el temps ha estat bastant bo : pel matí ha fet sol i per la tarda ha començat a ploure una mica, però no a bots i barrals.
A les 8 del matí havíem de ser al pàrquing, ens vam acomiadar de les famílies. Va ser molt trist per nosaltres.
Hem anat tres hores al bus, fins que vam arribar a Londres. La primera casa que vam veure va ser el Hyde Park. Allà vam veure l'estàtua d'Albert, també un gran llac (Serpentine) i un munt de cignes i esquirols.
Tot seguit vam dinar i vam anar a la BBC Television Center. Ens van dividir en dos grups, i vam poder veure un programa de TV en directe amb l'Alesha Dixon, que ballava.
Finalment vam participar en un taller de realització de notícies i un programa de preguntes i respostes.
Al vespre, vam anar a un restaurant. A la nit vam caminar al Soho i Chinatown.
Va ser un bon dia.
Mostra Around London in 28 hours...uff! en un mapa més gran