Today in the morning we left the hotel at eight o'clock and we went to center of London. We kept on walking and we saw the most important places in London, like St. Paul's cathedral, the Monument that reminds the great fire of London, the Tower of London...
We crossed the Thames on the Tower Bridge and we kept walking along the river side. We saw the city hall, the Globe Theatre, the Tate Modern, the Millenium bridge, the London Eye and in the end we saw the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
Going to the restaurant we saw Westminster Abbey. We had lunch at the Albert Pub.
During the morning it was sunny and cloudy, but when we were in the restaurant there was a shower.
After lunch we went to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives. And then we walked across Green Park and Hyde Park
In the evening, before catching the Ferry in Dover, in the tow our coach was stopped, and the picked six suitcases at random to examine them.
Avui al matí hem deixat l'hotel a les vuit del matí, i ens hem dirigit al centre de Londres. Hem anat caminant, veient llocs importants de Londres com la Catedral de Sant Pau, The Monument, la Torre de Londres...
Hem creuat el Tamesis pel Pont de la Torre, i hem seguit caminant per la vora del riu. Hem vist l'Ajuntament, el teatre The Globe, la Tate Modern, el pont del Mil·leni, el London Eye i per acabar les cases del parlament i el Big Ben.
Anant al restaurant hem vist l'abadia de Westminster.
Hem dinat a l'Albert Pub, i després hem anat a Buckingham Palace, on viu la reina, i llavors hem caminat a través de Green Park i Hyde Park.
Durant el matí ha fet sol, però quan estàvem al restaurant ha fet un ruixat.
A la nit, abans d'agafar el ferry a Dover, a l'aduana ens han fet parar l'autobús i la policia ha tret aleatòriament 6 maletes per examinar-les.