En aquest bloc es mostra el treball realitzat durant l'estada a Anglaterra.

28 de set. 2010

Treball al NMN de Bradford

Vam anar al National Media Museum de Bradford. Els alumnes es van dividir en grups de quatre, cadascun amb una càmera de vídeo. La seva tasca va ser enregistrar i editar un anunci sobre el propi museu.
A continuació podeu veure una mostra d'aquests anuncis:

11 de set. 2010

09/09. London

Today in the morning we left the hotel at eight o'clock and we went to center of London. We kept on walking and we saw the most important places in London, like St. Paul's cathedral, the Monument that reminds the great fire of London, the Tower of London...
We crossed the Thames on the Tower Bridge and we kept walking along the river side. We saw the city hall, the Globe Theatre, the Tate Modern, the Millenium bridge, the London Eye and in the end we saw the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
Going to the restaurant we saw Westminster Abbey. We had lunch at the Albert Pub.
During the morning it was sunny and cloudy, but when we were in the restaurant there was a shower.
After lunch we went to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives. And then we walked across Green Park and Hyde Park
In the evening, before catching the Ferry in Dover, in the tow our coach was stopped, and the picked six suitcases at random to examine them.

Avui al matí hem deixat l'hotel a les vuit del matí, i ens hem dirigit al centre de Londres. Hem anat caminant, veient llocs importants de Londres com la Catedral de Sant Pau, The Monument, la Torre de Londres...
Hem creuat el Tamesis pel Pont de la Torre, i hem seguit caminant per la vora del riu. Hem vist l'Ajuntament, el teatre The Globe, la Tate Modern, el pont del Mil·leni, el London Eye i per acabar les cases del parlament i el Big Ben.
Anant al restaurant hem vist l'abadia de Westminster.
Hem dinat a l'Albert Pub, i després hem anat a Buckingham Palace, on viu la reina, i llavors hem caminat a través de Green Park i Hyde Park.
Durant el matí ha fet sol, però quan estàvem al restaurant ha fet un ruixat.
A la nit, abans d'agafar el ferry a Dover, a l'aduana ens han fet parar l'autobús i la policia ha tret aleatòriament 6 maletes per examinar-les.

08/09 Trip to London

Today the weather was quite good : in the morning it was sunny and in the afternoon it started to rain a little. It wasn't raining cats and dogs. At eight o'clock we had to be in the car park, we said goodbye to our host families, it was upseting for us.
We went three hours on the bus, until we got London. The first thing we say was Hyde Park, and we walked around it. There, we saw Albert's stature, also a big lake (Serpentine) and lots of Swans and squirrels.

Then we had lunch there and we went to the BBC Television Center. There we were split in 2 groups. We could see a TV live programme with Alesha Dixon, who was dancing. Finally, we made a TV news and a quiz workshop.
In the evening we wnt to the hotel to do the check-in and we went to a restaurant. Afterwards, we had a stroll in Soho and Chinatown.
It was a good day.

Avui el temps ha estat bastant bo : pel matí ha fet sol i per la tarda ha començat a ploure una mica, però no a bots i barrals.
A les 8 del matí havíem de ser al pàrquing, ens vam acomiadar de les famílies. Va ser molt trist per nosaltres.
Hem anat tres hores al bus, fins que vam arribar a Londres. La primera casa que vam veure va ser el Hyde Park. Allà vam veure l'estàtua d'Albert, també un gran llac (Serpentine) i un munt de cignes i esquirols.
Tot seguit vam dinar i vam anar a la BBC Television Center. Ens van dividir en dos grups, i vam poder veure un programa de TV en directe amb l'Alesha Dixon, que ballava.
Finalment vam participar en un taller de realització de notícies i un programa de preguntes i respostes.
Al vespre, vam anar a un restaurant. A la nit vam caminar al Soho i Chinatown.
Va ser un bon dia.

Mostra Around London in 28 hours...uff! en un mapa més gran

07/09. York

Today we stayed all day at Melton College because the weather was very bad. The teachers gave us a course certificate.
After that we finished our projects and we had free time to go to the city center and buy presents for our friends and family.
It was a relaxed day!

Avui hem estat tot el dia al Melton College, perquè el temps no era gaire bo.
Els professors ens han donat un certificat del curs.
Després d'això vam acabar els nostres projectes, i vam tenir temps lliure per anar al centre de la ciutat i comprar regals pels nostres amics i família.
Ha estat un dia molt tranquil.

06/09 Castle Museum

Yesterday we went to the Melton College and we had our last lessons. We had lunch and then we went to the Castle Museum in York.
In the museum we saw old things, like ancient streets, the prison, schools...
And afterwards we had free time to do some shopping in the city.
It was a very sunny and windy day.

Ahir al matí vam anar al Melton College i vam fer les últimes classes.
Vam dinar i llavors vam anar al Castle Museum, a York. Al museu vam veure coses antigues, carrers, botigues i la presó, tot de l'època victoriana.
Després del museu vam tenir temps lliure per anar de compres a la ciutat.
Ahir va ser un dia assolellat i una mica ventòs.

6 de set. 2010

05/09 Lake District

Today we have gone all day long to the Lake District.
During the trip we have seen a very beautiful landscape. There are a lot of animals : black sheep, cows, goats...
In this place there are the tallest mountains in England.
For lunch we have stopped at Windermere, at Oakthorpe's restaurant.
We have eaten hot chicken soup, chicken with sauce and chips, and finally a chocolate cake.
And then, we could choose between tea with milk and coffee. After we have visited William Wordsworth's house, the Dove's Cottage.
The weather has been sunny and a bit windy.

Avui hem anat tot el dia al Lake District. Durant el viatge hem vist paisatges molt bonics. Hi ha molts tipus d'animals : ovelles, vaques, cabres... En aquesta regió hi ha les muntanyes més altes d'Anglaterra. Per dinar ens hem aturat a Windermere, al restaurant Oak Thorpe. Hem menjat sopa de pollastre, pollastre amb salsa i patates fregides, i finalment un pastís de xocolata. Llavors vam poder escollir entre te amb llet i cafè. Després hem visitat la casa de William Wordsworth, la Dove's Cottage. Ha estat un dia assolellat i un xic ventòs.

Beatrix Potter was a famous author and illustrator. She was born on the 28th of July1866 and she died on the 22nd December 1943. She was in love with her editor, and she wanted to marry him, but her parents never accepted it.
She wrote short stories for children. She wrote twenty-three books. The first and most important was “The tale of Peter Rabbit”
She bought many farms in the Lake District to preserve the nature and the landscape. Now the Lake District is protected by the National Trust, that was founded at the time of Beatrix Potter.

The Brönte Sisters (1)

Fotos Orator

Coal Mine

04/09 Whitby

James Cook

Whitby is a city of Yorkshire at the north east of England. It's famous for many things, for instance there was Dracula's novel written by Bram Stoker. There is also an abbey destroyed by Henry VIII, and a cemetery full of pirates' graves.
Whitby is also famous for its natural harbour, and the very good fish.
James Cook, who was a captain who discovered Australia, started his journey from Whitby, and was killed at the end by natives of Hawaii.
In the afternoon, we caught Harry Potter's train to return home.
All the day was sunny and a bit windy.

Untitled from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

Whitby és una ciutat de Yorkshire, al nord-est d'Anglaterra. És famosa per un munt de coses, per exemple: allà es va escriure la novel·la
Dràcula, escrita per Bram Stoker. Hi ha també una abadia des
truïda per Henry VIII. També hi ha un cementiri ple de tombes de pirates.
Whitby també és famosa pel seu port natural i el seu peix és molt bo.
James Cook va ser un capità que va descobrir Austràlia i va ser assassinat per nadius de Hawaii.
A la tarda, vam anar amb el tren de Harry Potter per tornar a casa.
Durant tot el dia va fer sol i una mica de vent.

4 de set. 2010

03/09 National Railway Museum & BBQ

After the classes we went to the city center to visit the National Railway Museum. The teachers gave us on test for each four people. In this museum there are a lot of trains, wagons, steam and electric locomotives.
Later we had a stroll in York, and enjoyed free time.
After one hour we went back at the Melton College to have a great barbecue, and we enjoyed the evening together!

Després de les classes vam anar al centre per visitar el National Railway Museum.
Els professors ens van donar un test per cada quatre persones. En aquest museu hi havia molts trens, vagons i locomotores elèctriques i de vapor.
Més tard vam fer una passejada pel centre de York i vam tenir temps lliure.
Després d'una hora vam tornar al Melton College a fer una barbacoa.
Ens ho vam passar molt bé!

Untitled from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

3 de set. 2010

02/09. National Media Museum, Bradford.

Today we went to the Melton College, but we didn't have any lessons. We spent all the day in Bradford, where we visited the National Media Museum. There, we made two groups.
First, one group had to film an advertisement and the other one visited the museum. After we changed the roles.
To make the video we could walk around. First we filmed the shots and then we arranged them using video editor software.
The museum has got six floors. There are rooms with videogames, televisions and exhibition zones.
For us the best floor was the TV one.

It was a great day!!

hem anat al Melton College, però no hem fet cap classe. Hem passsat tot el dia a Bradford, on hem visitat el National Media Museum. Allà hem fet 2 grups de vint. Primer, un grup ha hagut de gravar un anunci i l'altre ha visitat el museu. Després hem canviat els papers. Per fer el vídeo podíem anar per tot el museu. Primer hem filmat els clips i més tard els hem editat amb un ordinador. El museu té 6 plantes. Hi ha sales amb videojocs, televisors i zones d'exposicions. Per nosaltres la millor planta ha estat la de televisió.

Ha estat un gran dia!!

1 de set. 2010

01/09. Classes and The Jorvik Viking Centre

Untitled from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

We went to Jorvik to visit a museum of Vikings. Today it was sunny and warm. The museum was very interesting because there was a "Time Machine", which did a route through the museum. It had headphones and you could choose the language.

The museum smelt bad because the vikings threw their dirts through the window.

There was a skeleton from the time of the Romans. When the scientist studied the skeletons they discovered that they had bites of savage animals and they were beheaded.

31/08. Wakefield Coal Mine

Today, Tuesday 31st August we went to the Melton College at 9:00. We did class like the other day and after lunch we caught the bus to go to the Coal Mining Museum. There one miner was our guide to see the mine and he explained us his old job. We returned to York at 16:30.

Avui, dimarts 31 d'agost, hem anat al Melton College a les 9:00. Hem fet classe igual que l'altre dia i després de dinar hem agafat el bus per anar a la mina de carbó. Allà un exminer ens ha guiat per la mina i ens ha explicat la seva antiga professió. Hem tornat a York a les 4:30.

Coal Mining

31 d’ag. 2010

30/08. York

On Monday we started the class. First we did an exam to look the level, after we had a little breakfast and then the director made a presentation. We had lunch and then we did the last classes.
After the classes we walked to the wall, and after that we visited the Minster and finally we went back to our house by bus or walking.

El dilluns vam començar les classes. Primer vam començar fent un examen per mirar el nivell, després vàrem fer un petit esmorzar i tot seguit la directora ens va fer una presentació. Vam dinar i vam fer les últimes classes.
En acabar les classes vam caminar per la muralla fins arribar a la catedral. Finalment vam tornar a casa amb bus o caminant.

Aquest és el Melton College.

This is Melton College.

Untitled from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

30 d’ag. 2010

29/08. Dover Cliffs and Sherwood Forest

Yesterday, 28th August we drove from Figueres to Calais. During the night we saw a film of Robin Hood. Today at 7 o'clock we caught the ferry to go to Dover. There we saw the White Cliffs of Dover. At 8 o'clock (local time) we arrived in Dover, where we caught the bus to go to Sherwood visitor center. In the forest we had lunch and then we visited Sherwood, the place where Robin Hood lived with the Merry men. There we have seen the Major Oak tree that is so big, and it's 1150 years old. There were some handycraft stalls. At 3.30h we continued our journey to meet our families in York at 5 o'clock.

English Channel

Ahir, 28 d'agost vam anar cap a Calais. Durant la nit vam veure una pel·lícula sobre Robin Hood. Avui a les 7 hem agafat el ferry cap a Dover. Hem vist els penya-segats blancs . A les 8 (hora local) hem arribat a Anglaterra on hem agafat el bus per a anar a Sherwood, on va viure en Robin Hood amb els Merry men. Allà hem vist el Major Oak Tree (el gran roure) que és enorme i que té 1150 anys. Hi havia parades d'artesania. A les 3.30h hem continuat el viatge per trobar-nos amb les nostres famílies d'Anglaterra.

Escrit Sobre Sherwood Forest i Robin Hood (1)

28 d’abr. 2010

Students reciting poems

The Daffodils

daffodils from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.


whyparents from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

Grammar in rhyme

grammar from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.

Can I...?

Can I from Alex Salgado on Vimeo.